kybun testimonials and video interviews

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kybun Opinions

The kybun shoe gives me stability and comfort that enables me to walk longer and further without discomfort.

Dr. Neil Roberts, retired GP from England

The relief from plantar fasciitis is good. I worry I’ll never be able to go back to all my other shoes but kybun shoes have already changed my life for the better.

Kate Malone MBE, Ceramicist from England

I have been a polyarthritis and soft tissue rheumatism patient for many years and have had quite a few attempts with orthopedically converted shoes and insoles that never quite fit properly, despite repeated modifications. Walking for any length of time caused me severe pain. As a dog owner and passionate hiker, I depend on being able to walk effectively. A colleague of mine first introduced me to the kybun shoe. Since then, I have been enjoying my dog walking without pain. At one point, I had to go back to orthopaedic shoes because I also had a hallux and a hammertoe. Very quickly I started to experience pain in the affected foot, knee issues and lower back problems. I immediately switched back to the kybun shoe and now I can walk pain-free again. Longer hikes are also possible and that includes walking downhill!

Cornelia Heizmann from Switzerland

I owe so much to the kybun shoe for making the pain from my serious injury a distant memory. Since I started wearing the shoe, my limp has practically disappeared.

Alex Tachie-Mensah, Ex Professional Footballer, Andwil TG, Switzerland

I am 81 years old and suffer from painful arthrosis in my right ankle joint. Nevertheless, I have retained the power of positive thinking and the belief in relative physical well-being through exercise. In the elegant kybun shoe I found the shoe that gives the foot its full freedom of movement and strengthens it without getting tired. For me it is an indispensable source of strength in old age and a true gift.

Liliane Schär, Author, Wil SG, Switzerland

While watching an ice hockey game from the standing terraces in December 2013 (not wearing kybun shoes!), I injured myself and ended up with a slipped disc. By consistently wearing kybun shoes, doing exercises on the kybun mat and so on, the effects of the slipped disc diminished progressively. As a result, most of my day-to-day life is now pain free.

Kurt Inderbitzin from Switzerland

My wife purchased kybun shoe (Bern) a few weeks ago and LOVES them! She was suffering a lot of pain in her feet related to a knee replacement some time ago and says she is enjoying a lot of relief. Now her co-workers want a pair!

Voice over speaker from Montana

The kybun shoe takes a bit of getting used to at first, but after that it is the ideal shoe for walking on the sunny side of life.

Alexander Tschäppät (deceased), Swiss National Council

Walking on the most beautiful trail with the best shoes the reward is tremendous.

Angie Papadimitriou from Greece

I’ve spent 30 years working in retail while wearing shoes that were stylish but far too uncomfortable. This has unfortunately taken its toll on my legs. I was suffering from Morton’s neuroma, a bunion, pain in my knees and lumbar spine, and on top of that, I fractured my femoral neck last summer after having an accident. It was virtually impossible for me to walk or stand without feeling pain, even when wearing flat shoes with insoles. Fortunately, a friend of mine recommended the kybun shoes to me. She had been wearing a pair for a while herself, and was familiar with how the shoe’s enormous benefits. Purchasing a pair was definitely worth it for me as well. The comfortable air-cushioned insole makes walking a genuine pleasure – like you are walking on cotton. I also find the shoe very stylish, and people often come up to me to give their compliments. It was quite hard for me to choose just one pair from the large selection of models available – I’m sure this won’t be the last pair that I will buy. 

Katharina Mayer-Steinhäusl from Vienna, Austria